Web Developer Roadmap
Notes on the current web developer landscape
Web Developer Roadmap
The video starts by explaining the connections between all the things we should learn in the current web developer landscape.
The best way to learn to code is to work day to day in teams for a company.
Where to start as a web developer
To become a web developer, you need to understand how the web works and how wires connect all of us through the internet by requesting data from servers trough a protocol.
The fundamentals of becoming a web developer is learning to use an editor or IDE (I also like sublime) so you can start writing html, CSS, etc. And save it on GitHub.
Learning how to use the terminal is useful for coding and can make you appear like you know what you're doing while on the job.
What are domain name servers and how to use them? They are ways for us to simplify Ip addresses of websites to be more easily memorized and be customer friendly.
Word press is really good for beginners to build websites because it takes care of the coding aspect.
You can use file sharing protocol to send your html, CSS, JavaScript files over.
https/http is the way that browsers communicate with servers. S=secure which is good for passwords.
Json/XLM/gRPC is the way that we transfer data from servers to client. JSON is the most common.
SSH is important when using GitHub to login to a server or computer somewhere.
Web API's are tools that the browsers gives us. like the DOM allows us to use JavaScript to modify different things around the page.
Fetch/XHR fetch is newer and it allows us to retrieve data from other websites.
Local storage save user information. Like logins, or service workers that use caching or progressive web apps
i18n allows websites to display different languages.
Learning to be a modern Front End Developer
Starting With learning html5 semantics or tags. Learn how to use tags to the best of our abilities to arrange a website.
Dabble in SEO so we can rank our websites on google or search engines.
We need to learn about accessibility because not everybody can view websites. Maybe they need visual aids or screen reader.
There's lots we can do with html forms before JavaScript, so they are important. unlike tables which are rarely used.
CSS and Style
The important things to keep in mind about css3 in the modern landscape are animations to make a website seem more alive and interactive.
We can use CSS variable to change the color theme on our websites.
We use rem vs em vs px we use rem to make our websites more responsive and mobile friendly unlike px.
Media queries are the things that allow our websites to be displayed in different screen sizes.
CSS is something you learn as you go, or inspect if you like something about a certain website element.
The CSS layout is all about where to position elements or components on our website.
Using flex box and CSS grid to arrange your website you might not need media queries, or you can use less media queries in your website.
Learning the box model is important to understand how to display and position elements. but it's preferred to learn flex box and CSS grid because some methods are outdated like floats.
Boot strap was popular back in the day because of the grid system it had.
Preprocessors are ways for us to write extra features in CSS. sass is the most popular.
Sass is a way to improve your current CSS code.v
Atomic CSS helps use organize our CSS code and it's easier to use and not as outdated as the other tools out there.v
CSS in JavaScript or React.